What’s the Difference Between Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) sometimes overlap, but they differ in the milestones for recovery set by professionals in both fields. The methods used to pursue recovery are also frequently distinct.

Physical Therapists

The physical therapist is a licensed  professional who assists in training a patient with  physical exercise, walking (gait) and balance trg to help people recover after traumatic injuries or illnesses. There goal is to help to train patients to work with their new level of functionality.

Occupational Therapists

The occupational therapist  is a licensed professional that uses work, play activities, and the use of self care task to increase independent function, strengthen development and prevent further disability.

Unique Traits of Physical Therapists

  • Identify any problems that limit the patient’s movement.
  • Help patient handle pain from what happened — sometimes using message or other techniques.
  • Help patient become stronger and able to get around easier.
  • Often treat injured area directly as part of treatment.
  • Recommend future therapy (i.e. outpatient).

Unique Traits of Occupational Therapists

  • Help patients gain movement to assist in  daily self care activities
  • Helping with necessary functions like dressing, bathing, feeding, writing, and toilet mgmt, grooming/hygiene, communication skills, meal prep, community integration,and  bed mobility.
  • Recommend any medical equipment  that can help the patient with daily tasks.
  • Helping with other problems such as loss of memory.

What They Have in Common

Both PT and OT have extensive knowledge in understanding the musculoskeletal system.  They both formulate individual treatments plans based on the patients needs to assist the body to work as a unit. Both incorporate and design a home exercise programs for the patient to continue therapy in the home.  They both work with the patient to prevent injuries inside and outside of the home.
